Water Network Monitoring



The MajiPlus-Net ®  is the Wayatek Solutions can help water companies obtain actionable information to help improve network monitoring and performance, while reducing unchecked water, energy use and service interruptions. It can help engineers and operators of public water services to guarantee safe and reliable services, optimize operational efficiency, implement effective maintenance and investment plans, and achieve sustainability goals.

Unify data with cutting edge technologies

Find out how digital cufflinks can integrate systems and analyze data into central system to improve network operations and decision making.

Improve operational intelligence

Find out how you can take advantage of digital cufflinks for information that improves performance, reduces costs, and mitigates risk.

Optimize capital planning and risk mitigation

Take a data-driven approach to capital planning, so that time is spent on preventive planning rather than reacting to problems.

What we do

Non-revenue water (NRW)

Manage network efficiency using real-time performance indicators. Detect leaks, including small and invisible leaks, through advanced event management and precise localization of incidents. Quantify water losses so as to focus on critical or major leaks.

Water quality

Follow the status of water quality throughout the network accurately and continuously. Improve understanding of local water quality requirements: such as water origin, water blending, chlorine injection. Any abnormalities can be detected ealy.

Operational effectiveness

Deliver reliable operations across the network through global hydraulic and water quality analysis. Respond and priorities actions more effectively in the event of an incident. Optimize water production or water purchase policy through improved network efficiency.

Forecasting Demand

By using a demand management system (DMS) to track the water demand, utilities can program pumps to meet the needs for specific times of the day, saving both water and energy they are consuming throughout their own system.

Find out how smart water network can help you!

Talk to a digital water network expert