Utility Reservoirs Monitoring


Having water in the reservoir is like having money in the bank. Any water that flows out of a reservoir by unregulated means is a waste

The MP-Reservoir telemetry solution is used to monitor water levels in the municipality’s reservoirs. Readings are displayed spatially on a GIS map to provide the municipality with a holistic view of the water levels at all their reservoirs with near real-time accuracy.

Maintaining Water Levels

Turning the management of water levels into an automatic process can significantly enhance the functionality of a water tower and provide the flexibility needed to meet water demands throughout the course of the day and into the night.

Detecting Abnormal

There are many equipment problems and maintenance concerns that can be identified through remote reservoirs monitoring. If a pump or valve is not functioning correctly, this can be determined via remote monitoring data.

Emergency Conditions

Alarm systems linked to remote monitors can alert you to a problem even from far away. Often, by looking at monitoring data, the problem can be diagnosed before arriving on-site. This allows a prepared and rapid response to critical situations.

Strategic Decisions

The data provided by remote devices and even trends in water usage can open doors for effective management and maintenance strategies. Being able to get ahead of maintenance demands highly efficient water distribution operation.

What we do

Reservoir & Lake Level Monitoring

All-in-one solution with rugged submersible depth gauge and telemetry, Cables can be run out into reservoir or lake bed to any length, Set alerts on levels and fulfill reporting obligations.

Tank Level Monitoring Remotely

Monitoring system that delivers reliable daily measurements that are both scheduled and event driven. The perfect solution for bulk chemical companies and large tank farms.

Well & Ground Water Monitoring

Small diameter depth sensors to drop down wells up to 500ft, Well bubbler & sonic solution for deeper wells, Multi-parameter sensor options: salinty, temperature & more

Struggling to monitor your reservoirs remotely?

Start a smart monitoring journey with us!

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